Canada Vs Us Interest Rates Chart History

Interest Rate Data and Trends: A Comprehensive Guide

Historical Data and Future Forecasts

This page provides a comprehensive overview of historical interest rate data, along with forecasts for the future. The spread chart displays the movement of interest rates from April 17, 2015, to April 25, 2024. The data includes key interest rates such as the 3-month rate, 90-day rate, prime rate charged by banks, federal funds rate, and commercial paper rates.

Latest Updates

The data was last updated in May 2024. It provides valuable insights into the changes in interest rates over time, enabling businesses and individuals to make informed financial decisions. The forecasts offer a glimpse into the anticipated direction of interest rates, helping investors and financial planners develop strategies for the future.

This comprehensive resource is an invaluable tool for anyone seeking to understand the dynamics of interest rates and their impact on the economy and financial markets.

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