Little Alchemy Wire Uses

How to Make Wire and What to Do with It in Little Alchemy

Step-by-Step Guide to Make Wire in Little Alchemy

Making wire in Little Alchemy is a straightforward process that requires just two elements:

  • Metal
  • Heat

To combine these elements, follow these steps:

1. Drag and drop "Metal" onto "Heat." 2. The two elements will combine to form "Wire."

What to Do with Wire in Little Alchemy

Once you have made wire, you can use it to create a variety of other items, including:

  • Chain: Combine Wire with Metal
  • Electric Wire: Combine Wire with Electricity
  • Fencing: Combine Wire with Wood
  • Razor Blade: Combine Wire with Glass
  • Scissor: Combine Wire with Steel
  • Zipper: Combine Wire with Fabric

Tips for Making Wire in Little Alchemy

Here are a few tips for making wire in Little Alchemy:

  • Use the "Undo" button to experiment with different combinations without losing progress.
  • If you're having trouble combining elements, try using the "Hint" button.
  • Combine Wire with other elements to create new and exciting items.


Wire is a versatile material that can be used to create a variety of items in Little Alchemy. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily make wire and use it to explore your creativity.

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